“By walking in the way of righteousness and following his Teacher, man can attain to eternal life.”
“By walking in the way of righteousness and following his Teacher, man can attain to eternal life.”
“He follows Christ who stands in His commandments, who walks in the way of His teaching, who follows His footsteps and His ways, who imitates that which Christ both did and taught. . . . To put on the name of Christ, and yet not to go in the way of Christ – what else is this but a mockery of the divine name! It is a desertion of the way of salvation. For He Himself teaches and says that the persons who keep His commandments will come into life.”
“When the servant does not do what is commanded, the Lord will do what he threatens. . . . ‘I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink. . . . And these will go away into everlasting burning.”
“‘Depart from me, you workers of iniquity.’ There is need of righteousness, that one may deserve well of God the Judge. We must obey His teachings and warnings, so that our merits may receive their reward.”
“How can a man say that he believes in Christ, if he does not do what Christ commanded him to do? From where will he attain the reward of faith, if he will not keep the faith of the commandment? . . . He will make no advancement in his walk toward salvation, for he does not keep the truth of the way of salvation.”
“Abraham believed in God and it was accounted to him as righteousness. Assuredly, then, whoever believes in God and lives in faith is found righteous and is already blessed in faithful Abraham.”
“If you wish to live, surrender yourselves to the second law. . . . Turn yourselves to Christ, and you will be co-workers with God.”
“We do not teach concerning the unrighteous man that it is sufficient for him to humble himself on account of his wickedness. Rather, God will accept him only if – after passing condemnation upon himself for his past conduct – he walks humbly on account of it and in a righteous manner for his remaining days.”
“It is those who not only believe, but also enter upon the life that Jesus taught. This life elevates everyone who lives according to the commandments of Jesus. It elevates them to friendship with God and communion with Him.”
“The Son of God, . . . taking the form of a servant, was made obedient unto death so that He might teach obedience to those who could not obtain salvation other than by obedience.”